Sunday, January 31, 2010


Every time we listen to our ego, every time we react and behave with intolerance, anger, fear, selfishness or resentment, a curtain is placed over our Light...

That's what I woke up to this morning.

Well, actually what I woke up to was a longing for the life I lived BEFORE spiritual awareness. You know the life in which you were younger and sillier and careless and irresponsible and completely living for...YOURSELF!

C'mon be honest. It is the last day of the New Year and for many people, life prior to spiritual awareness, was unabashedly...FUN. Or, so it seems when looking back at it anyway. When looking back at it we often forget the loneliness, and isolation, and the general state of being 'lost' that accompanied us everywhere we went. Lost in very good clothes and Manolo Blahniks, but lost nonetheless. We often forget the relationships built on nothing deep and everything shallow. We forget, even, that those relationships left us feeling empty and without a deep, profound, connection to ourselves. Oh yeah.

Yet, your spiritual guide understands. Laugh. I, too, especially one month into this New Year still question what I am doing in this desert on the way to the Promised Land...with no GPS. I mean c'mon can I get a map, a warranty, a promise? Or did I get all that already and I am just having a moment of me that is negating my faith? Hmmmm.

So, where is it? This Promised Land.

Well, I am most certain, completely sure, and 1000% knowing of the fact that the Promised Land is inside of you! That land of peace which is flowing with milk and honey is as far away as you allow it to be, or as close as you want it to be. When you get there it will produce a whole new world around you and outside of you. Have faith young Jedi.

That 'looking back phenomena' I realized, when I read the most moving words above, sent by a very Hip Girl girlfriend, is all about EGO. Grazie Claudia...sei veramente una Donne Di Dio.

Ego causes us to be involved with self. Ego causes us to be involved with our flesh. My need. My want. My desire. MY FLESH. Somewhere, a long time ago, I heard a saying; E.G.O. stands for Edging God Out. Think about what happens to your spiritual sense of power and peace when you Edge God Out. I bet you feel lost, and unmotivated, and uncertain, and fearful, and angry, and resentful, and intolerant...of everything and everyone who really loves you whom you really love.

Well, you MUST HOLD ON TO GOD. If you don't have friends around you who help you do that, then you need to go back to Blog #1, the first week of this New Year, and assess the friends around you and re-choose your posse. If your peeps are cool but they can't give you what you need on a morning when you've woken up surrounded by people who love you but still in a giant FUNK, then go to your Big B (BIBLE FOLKS) and read Psalms. David knew a thing or two about internal struggle. Remember, King David, was a man who loved hard, fought hard, and repented even harder.

And, for those of you who are computer junkies, like me, go to Blue Letter and look at the Day By Day Grace reading or do a search and let God lead you to some water that will take away the deep thirst you may be feeling for some inspiration, some satisfaction, some awareness of what's really positive and productive, versus what will lead you down paths you've already tread and given up.

Generally speaking if you've been there and done that...and you moved on from it in the first place, don't revisit it. You know the definition of insanity. It's even Biblical...Proverbs 26:11 and 2 Peter 2:22 made me cringe:

Pro 26:11As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
2Pe 2:22Of them the proverbs are true: "A dog returns to its vomit,"and, "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud."

And, yes, if you think about it, this 'looking back' and questioning if you can really walk this Spiritual Path causes you to feel like you're in the 'Dark' and there is no feeling of 'Light' involved in those moments.

So, as you reflect on the statement above, understand that these feelings of inadequacy and anger and frustration with living as a Child of God, when no-one else does, and when it seemed a lot more fun when you weren't, is just a SET-UP. A big set-up to get you back into the darkness where Satan, the Devil, Evil, Chaos reigned in your life and while you had moments of fun, you knew you were lost and unhappy and walking a road to nowhere alongside people who wouldn't really be there if you needed them anyway. And, getting older and older by the day. It's only cute to waste time until you're not cute anymore, while wasting time. Swallow that girlfriends.

As you realize this, build yourself up in the Words of God that will re-strengthen you and re-fortify you for the rest of your journey today and all year long. I can promise you, without doubt, that you will once again, as it says in Isaiah, "rise up on wings like eagles, walk and not grow weary, run and not faint," and your Light will begin to shine even brighter, and God will remember that you have dreams and desires and needs and wants and He will bless you with all of it in due time. Trust Him. He gives when WE are ready to receive and since He made us He knows best what He made us for and when He made us to receive it.

So, my brightly shining and well lit reader, by this point we've made it through a good month of stuff to ponder.
Yes, it can be exhausting walking this Spiritual Path to a better you. But, you're worth it. As they say in AA keep coming back, it works if you work it and you're WORTH it!!! I love that one and God knows I tried AA too.

Tomorrow is the first day of February, the second month of our 12 month Guide to Spirituality. We are just getting started so hang in there, hold on to God, and know that your life WILL be different if you stay the course!!! There are those I love who have never found the course, or worse, left it. I don't see them living in true happiness and success. And, all that they have I wouldn't want. Well, I'd want maybe a couple things...but I can't sell out my journey with God to get 'em so I will wait patiently for my Bentley. Kidding! Not really. Anyway.

It's Sunday morning so your resident Hip Girl Guide is going to fill up on a dose of Spirituality at the True Love Worship Center in the Valley, a church where the Holy Spirit moves like crazy and the transformation on members faces from one week to the next can only be explained by one thing...God turning up the Light in their lives as they hold on from week to week.

Stay sexy. Stay fierce. Stay strong. Stay focused. YOU are a child of the King. Work with that!!!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thats What Friends Are For

This is kind of an under used cliche! I mean think about it. I wish I could say more often, "that's what friends are for' because it would mean that someone just did an amazing and wonderful, often times, simple little thing that was really important to you.

Maybe they called you on your stuff, in the hopes that you become the better you that they see. Maybe they made a call on your behalf, because they really believe in what you're trying to do. Or, maybe they simply started following your blog because they love you! Thanks Bradley. You're the first!

All that said, it makes me think of the gift of 'friends.' I try not to take them for granted, although, with kids and school and basketball it's hard to see them all the time.

I spent a great lunch today with my cousin Gerry whose here from London. We went and hugged an old friend, Benny, and shared a hug and some laughter. Benny oogled my engagement ring and I oogled his watch collection. In hindsight, because I remember him from 'back in the day' I am that much happier for his success. We all worked, and still work, hard for ours. So as I reflect on the moment, I ask myself, 'what does God have to say about friends?'

He'd like us to have Godly friends. He'd like us to BE Godly friends. In fact, the Bible says 'bad company corrupts good character' which seems to emphasize the nature of what kind of friends we have...and are.

This actually rang in my head as I drove away from my cousin at the end of our afternoon. Not because he is bad. Not because I am bad. But, we tend to be bad together. Nothing big. But, our conversations are kinda like little kids being naughty. The Holy Spirit brought it to me and immediately I knew why. I kind of walked the edge of using some language I don't use anymore while laughing and reminiscing, about the past. A seemingly fun yet spiritually immature path I must add. :( I heard the words as a sort of reminder to be careful to guide my loved ones UP in our conversations and not help drive us DOWN the bunny hole into a conversation about the very worldly things and behavior I used to indulge my senses in. I adore my cousin and I really want to always do him good and never harm so I took the spiritual admonishment to heart and will be a better spiritual guide the next time. After all, this is The Hip Girls Guide To Spirituality and if we are gonna walk the talk we gotta walk the talk.

But how?

Reminiscing about the antics we all used to indulge in can be sooo fun. It's just sometimes my language changes and my head rolls and the fingers snap and all of a sudden spiritual girl is beginning to resemble...well, whats her name from sex and the city?! Samantha. Ouch. OK, I'm calling myself to the mat for the sake of being an honest witness to all of you of what it means to get 'in the flesh' and out of the spirit.

The Big B says that we should 'walk in the spirit and not in the flesh.' This means more than just being careful not to use foul language though. It means being in constant communion and dialogue with...God. Hard to do when reminiscing about the hot 28 year old train wrecks I dated 100 years ago, or worse, the Australian who made the earth move under my feet. Don't even go with the Carly Simon tune because by the time the sky came tumbling down, tumbling down, I suffered some serious consequences.

Truth be you ever notice that the bad and naughty things we all reminisce about never left us feeling very high on self esteem? Actually I told Gerry today that I honesty left each of my wild child affairs feeling like I had left a piece of me somewhere it wasn't meant to be. And, I never felt very whole or fulfilled in the aftermath!

Thank God for His grace.

In my years learning to surrender, and loving to walk in the spirit more than I do the flesh, I have gathered all the pieces of me from all the places I left them and I now walk in total fulfillment as a whole woman of God. Finally. And, thankfully. I actually wrote in an email to my friend Dinos yesterday the words from an old Helen Reddy song. Remember it?

" Oh yes I am wise but it's wisdom born of pain. Yes I've paid the price but look how much I gained. If I have to, I can do anything. I am strong. I am invincible. I am WOMAN! "

So here's the Spiritual Girl Guide Tip #105:

Everyone uses foul language. Be different. Don't.
The bible says, in Luke 6:45, that out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks! Check your heart condition! 2010 will be that much better if you temper your words with wisdom and love!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Sum Total Of A Woman

The Sum Total of a Woman© by Pastor Ron Taylor

This says it all!

You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the climax of God's creation.
When God finished you, He saw everything that He made was very good.
You are the first helper and companion to mankind.
Upon your arrival, the first divine institution called marriage was established.
God's first mandate to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it, to have dominion over the earth, all required your participation.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the point of entry for all human life, all come by you.
If one comes any other way than by you, he/she is declared illegal.
God established you as the doorway to humankind.
Before the foundation of the world, God preordained that His redemptive plan for mankind would come through the Seed of a woman.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the mother of faith that gave birth to the promised son from a barren womb.
You are Moses' mother that will risk your own life for the sake of your child.
You are Rahab who turned from your ungodly ways to trust in the Almighty God who delivers from destruction.
You are Deborah, the first known woman Judge of God's people and a prophetess who could hear from God.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are Ruth, and by determination faith, you found favor with God and Boaz.
And through your seed the Messiah came forth.
You are the barren Hannah who prayed for a son and God answered with the Prophet Samuel.
You are the destitute widow with the little flour and little oil that trusted God and ended up with exceeding sufficiency in the midst of famine.
You are the young woman taken away captive to Syria and a slave girl to Naaman's wife, yet revealed to them that there was a prophet in Israel that could heal Naaman's leprosy.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman, and your value is beyond measure.
You are Elizabeth, the carrier of one who will pave the way for the greater One.
You are Mary, blessed and highly favored to bring forth the One that will change the world for the better.
You are the woman who pressed her way through the crowd to touch the Anointed One and be made well.
You are the woman who was used and abused and fell at the feet of the Anointed One to anoint his feet with fragrant oil, and He turned your life around tremendously.
You are the woman who stood by while others fled at the crucifixion of your Lord.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.
You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the Daughter of Abraham!

I will add just one thing. The Lord told Joshua:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." JOSHUA 9

Go forward in victory Woman and Man of God!

The Sum Total Of A Woman

The Sum Total of a Woman© by Pastor Ron Taylor

This says it all!

You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the climax of God's creation.
When God finished you, He saw everything that He made was very good.
You are the first helper and companion to mankind.
Upon your arrival, the first divine institution called marriage was established.
God's first mandate to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it, to have dominion over the earth, all required your participation.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the point of entry for all human life, all come by you.
If one comes any other way than by you, he/she is declared illegal.
God established you as the doorway to humankind.
Before the foundation of the world, God preordained that His redemptive plan for mankind would come through the Seed of a woman.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the mother of faith that gave birth to the promised son from a barren womb.
You are Moses' mother that will risk your own life for the sake of your child.
You are Rahab who turned from your ungodly ways to trust in the Almighty God who delivers from destruction.
You are Deborah, the first known woman Judge of God's people and a prophetess who could hear from God.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are Ruth, and by determination faith, you found favor with God and Boaz.
And through your seed the Messiah came forth.
You are the barren Hannah who prayed for a son and God answered with the Prophet Samuel.
You are the destitute widow with the little flour and little oil that trusted God and ended up with exceeding sufficiency in the midst of famine.
You are the young woman taken away captive to Syria and a slave girl to Naaman's wife, yet revealed to them that there was a prophet in Israel that could heal Naaman's leprosy.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.

You are the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman, and your value is beyond measure.
You are Elizabeth, the carrier of one who will pave the way for the greater One.
You are Mary, blessed and highly favored to bring forth the One that will change the world for the better.
You are the woman who pressed her way through the crowd to touch the Anointed One and be made well.
You are the woman who was used and abused and fell at the feet of the Anointed One to anoint his feet with fragrant oil, and He turned your life around tremendously.
You are the woman who stood by while others fled at the crucifixion of your Lord.
You are more than the years you have lived upon this earth.
You are a woman of God, that's who you are.
You are the Daughter of Abraham!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TV, Fruit, & The Spirit

So, my meeting went great. I really liked both women I met. I hope they liked me. 1 of them worked at VH1 while I was there ages ago. The other women, I have met before in years past. We just couldn't remember where or for what show. Hmmmmm. Very smart lady though. I wanted to pick her brain about our industry all day long but alas, all good things must end. Things have changed alot in syndicated television. Audiences are smaller. And, while I believe women still have the same needs as they did in 300BC basically, they satisfy those needs differently.

The next TV show that will work is just so simple to figure out to me. It's not rocket science to look at the world and the country we live in, assess the moral climate, and figure out what's missing that EVERYONE needs and WANTS. HOPE. GOD. God and hope go hand in hand. Create a TV show that takes controversially in your face spiritual stands and you'd have a hit. Why do you think Christian Televangelists are worth Billions and they have NO problems on Christian TV stations attracting viewers. They just don't have the organizational knowledge and expertise and creativity that the secular network world has. Whatever. I know I'm right. Just remember, I said it first.

Barack Obama understood something very deep about human beings. Something we as people of color learn from day one in church and at home. It's the thing that picks all of us up and makes us strive to achieve something better for ourselves. HOPE. It is the thing that drove Blacks through slavery, oppression, racism, fear, and inequality. It's the thing that made the Jews hold on and survive the Holocaust. Hope. Hope that God hears and that He will help us get through whatever challenge we need to get through be it dating issues, parenting issues, political issues, or fashion and self image issues. We always HOPE that somehow we will meet Mr. Right, achieve those New Years resolutions, figure out what to do in the Middle East, pass the right Healthcare Reform Bill, buy the right shoes to go with the blue dress. Oddly enough, hope is the one thing that is constantly left OUT of the equation when trying to figure out what the essence of a TV show should be. Yet, it's the one thing we all cling to.

I believe deeply that if a show nurtured hope on a daily basis people would tune in just as millions tune in to watch Christian Network Television. Trinity Broadcasting Network has millions more eyeballs than ABC, CBS, and NBC. Millions. Why? Because TBN exists to bring a message of hope to an ailing world. Hope. Hope is God. God is hope. Why be afraid to just get controversial and say it? TMZ doesn't fear controversy and they are on the dark side of the equation. Why are we so afraid to be MORAL? Why are we so afraid to put a show that teaches good old fashioned Christian values on the air? Is it because of what people fear those values are? Is it because of what people fear will happen to them if a light is held up to their own behavior? What would God tell you to do in every situation and challenge? We all call on Him when we need help so why not organize and do it?!

And, yes since nearly 90% of America is Christian why are we SOOO afraid to speak out about being Christian? Why are we sooo afraid that a TV show will fail if it stands firmly on Christian values? We are the majority. Now if only we could be the LOVING majority. That's another conversation. Isn't a majority what networks want? A majority viewership? I had someone tell me that we'd offend muslims, and jews, and other people if we did a show that looked at life and it's issues and challenges through a filter of Christian biblical rules and faith. Well, sorry but since only about 6% of the US is 'other' what the heck would we discard the majority for? And why does anyone have to be offended? Everyone is invited!

I am not saying that other religions don't exist and that they couldn't come on this hypothetical talk show. I am saying that I am a Christian and there's a whole bunch of us in this country who need to grow and watch TV and command ad dollars and since it would be my show I have the last word. I have no problem with someone of another religion having their own show and having the last word on it. Go for it. I will watch you too. I love learning about other viewpoints. I have actually studied MANY other religious philosophies. It's just that the only one to ever really take me THERE...on a supernatural level...was Jesus. And, my friends are straight and gay and black and white and rich and poor and they all consider me a loving kind great example of what a Christian SHOULD be. I don't think ANY of them have ever felt judged or condemned by me.

Ahhh....what a Christian SHOULD be. Now, there's a mouthful. Let's discuss. Let's begin with what a Christian should NOT be and that oughta help clarify my position. A Christian should NOT be judgmental, exclusionary, hypocritical, unkind, insincere, and offensive. He or she should be so peace filled and joy filled and spirit filled that anyone around them wants a piece of what they had for breakfast. The Bible says 'by their fruit you shall know them.' Fruit? Yes. Fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit is found in Galatians 5:22 It's 'love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self control.' So, I can safely say that alotta people are running around giving us cool Christian's a bad name because their fruit is STANKY.

Ooops, reign it in girlfriend...hold on. Weren't you so mad at Christian's basketball game last night that you could have spit on the coach, cursed out a couple families, and murdered children???? Huh. Me? Yes, you. Hmmmm. Me. Wow.

OK, I gotta admit the fruit of my spirit was a little rotten tonight. Proving that God isn't finished with me yet either. Laugh. Sorry, Lord. This hip girl fell off her tour guide seat for a moment. But, this is my point! Sometimes our fruit is spoiled and not at all representative of the spirit of Christ for which we call ourselves 'Christians.'
"Shot to the heart and your to give love a bad name" I cannot believe I just quoted Bon Jovi. But, you get the point! We need to perfect our 'love shot.'

Roger, my fiance has a company filled with believers and not by design. His partner is a believer too. They pray together and they remember God first in all that they do. Roger, takes his spiritual journey most seriously always seeking to know God more and serve Him better. Remember, I told you yesterday morning, the Bible says 'seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the rest will be added!' I am convinced that this is the reason his company is hiring employees and getting new projects right and left. They seek God first. In an economy where his competitors are dropping like flies and closing their businesses, he is hiring new people to cover their company workload. He designs and builds billion dollar resort and Casino/Hotel projects from Vegas to Dubai and everywhere in between.

There is barely work for many in his industry, there is barely money to finish projects, but his company has both. He has one of probably 2 or 3 clients with enough liquid cash to build and buy through the economic recession. The others are coming after him now because his name and integrity have gone before him. He can do a billion dollar deal on a handshake. He tells the truth always, cheats NEVER, doesn't drink, swear, or gamble...a plus if you build the biggest casinos in the world...and he honors God in the way he lives. It's no surprise that we recently realized that ALL of his employees happen to be Christian and love the Lord. God's hand of protection is over his company because it is a company that loves and serves Him first.

Anyway, I need to get off my soap box. Until's your resident hip girl guiding you, and myself, to a deeeper spirituality.

Tip: 2010 is just beginning. Memorize what the fruit of your spirit should be, according to God in Galatians, and work on developing these Godly characteristics. I know I', gonna. They won't hurt even if you're not a believer. How could anyone NOT be a believer?

Later on that one.

Peace out.

God Knows The End At The Beginning

I read today in Isaiah 40:31 a scripture that always moves me, 'Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.' It seems odd that at the beginning of a new year I should be dealing with the subject of waiting, but I'm convinced that if we approached every new year with patience and faith we'd get the most out of our year. Instead of taking the reins this year I am resolved to allow Him to drive. To really allow Him to drive and to wait for Him to lead.

How when I am such a control freak am I going to allow God to drive you ask? Easy. If you wake up and as the Bible says, seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and God's righteousness He will add all the rest. This implies that we have little to do except seek Him and wait for Him to add the rest of what we need to our days. It really makes it all very simple. If you know you're covered then you can relax and enjoy each day of 2010 right? Right!

Well, not always. Sometimes we are downright addicted to worrying. But, worry is a sin. And, if all my worrying had ever changed one little thing I'd have worried myself up a river. Jesus said to cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you. So right now let's cast our cares to the foot of the altar. C'mon, surrender them. My favorite prayer has always been God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!

Care #1) I refuse to worry about my son's basketball coach playing him and not playing him for no reason. Joshua did nothing to win at Jericho except what the Lord told him and God brought the walls down and gave him the city. He will handle the coach. He will handle the team. He will handle the betrayals by those close to my son on the team. My scorn does not have to be worse than Hell's because someone is messing with my son's dream! My God is bigger and I am silently going to watch Him move.

Care #2) This year I resolve to shine for Jesus in my actions not just my talk.

Care #3) This year...

OK, the two above will challenge me greatly enough. Maybe I will leave things here for now.

In any case as you get your resolutions for the year on the table write them down, and then let them go. Walking with God means waiting on God. Waiting on God means walking with Him. A big part of it for sure.Remeber what Isaaih said, those who wait will rise up on wings like eagles. Have you ever seen an eagle soar? It's pretty majestic. I like the idea of a majestic flight this year.

OK, gotta run to a meeting. I fell asleep writing yesterday's blog last night with the computer on my lap so it's getting to you this morning. I ask anyone who might read this to pray for me. Pray that God's will of restoration be done today in my life! Pray that God will use me to bring something good into the room at NBC and to touch someone's heart with His love that moves in me.

For now... peace out from your 'hip girl guide.' Are you getting more spiritual yet?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 - Here we go again

OK, my New Years started in church as it has for many years. I love looking at the old year and welcoming the new with God as my hope, my inspiration, and my guide. 2009 gave me alot. But, the challenge we are facing because of my son's basketball dream had me questioning that I had anything good at all to be grateful for. Then as I was on my knees at the altar with my face to the floor I glanced to my right to see my 17 year old son in the same position. His best friend, Jordan, was there with him. It was odd. In a good way. An amazing way. I am still getting used to seeing my son go willingly to the altar for prayer in church. A few moments later as I listened to the noise of worship around me as the shouts went up to bring in the new year God reminded me of the prayer I prayed desperately last new years eve and all year long. I begged God to allow my son to achieve his basketball dream of getting a D1 scholarship and I begged Him to first get him right spiritually. I believed that if my son had the interior faith and strength that comes from a walk with the Lord he could achieve anything and move mountains. Just one year later the vision I had of my son making an altar call had been realized. Oh my God. It hit me. God had done it. He had blessed me to see my vision of my son on his knees at an altar. I was so focused on the things still needed on the checklist that I almost missed the crowning moment of 2009 and the promise of how great the crown will be in 2010. The joy of Happy New Year reached my spirit not a moment to soon or to late. On the edge of letting go of 09 and receiving 10 I got it.
This is how it seems to be for alot of women, and men, today. I speak especially about the girls because we modern women are often standing in so much faith to get through the to-do list of our life that we miss the miraculous victories our faith brings along the way. And, we can't do that. I'd like to notice every miracle this year. And, while there is still a coach and a high school team to be battled on a spiritual level I already know that God heard my prayers and the first major step along the way has been granted. My son, Christian, knows the Lord and isn't embarrassed to go to an altar on his knees in front of strangers and friends and submit himself to God's word, will, and way. Now that should make for a HAPPY new year. What are most 17 year old 6'5" tall, super good looking, high school jocks doing nowadays?!

I have a meeting, a big one, this week, with NBC/Universal. With their head of syndication. I'd like another show. It's what I do. When I work I work on television. I'd like a show that really tackles life and it's challenges and issues by not being afraid to apply the word of God to our daily problems. People are so afraid of God. I don't get it. Everyone calls on Him eventually and He's the most famous person in the world throughout history. Yet, try to do a show that is grounded in Him on any network except a Christian network and you get a fast trip to the door and an insincere 'nice to meet you.' I am who I am. I know that what I believe in works. I don't judge you. Please don't judge me. One of my best friends ever, Bradley, says I am the luckiest girl in the world. I am actually the most blessed girl in the world. But, I think it's because I am not afraid to change for... Jesus. God, that is so cheesy. But, it's true. I realized when I first got saved that I had to change. If you want your life to be better there is some changing, stretching, letting go, that must occur. MUST. Of course, as the years go by you realize you have more to change than you initially even thought. But, one step at a time lest ye be scared!

Anyway, That's kind of what this blog is about. It's a journey. It's a guide. It's a chronicle of all 365 days of 2010 according to wherever God takes us. I invite you to come along with me if you like. If not, it's all good, I will be here without you.

Anyway, I'm excited because I'm sort of a minister slash hip-chick, living in a modern world, embracing an old fashioned faith, in a thoroughly modern faith way.

Are you following me? OK. So, here's your first tip: Luke 12:12 reads: "Now during those days He went out to the mountain to pray; and He spent the night in prayer to God. And, when day came He called His disciples and chose twelve of them."

THE POINT: Jesus spent a whole night in prayer to be certain he picked the right 12 guys to surround himself with on his most important life mission. It would be wise of you to pray and choose wisely the folks you surround yourself with this year. Success is measured and assisted by the people around us. If they water us and feed us with positivity and encouragement we grow. If they drain us and put us down feeding us negative words and negative energy they kill us. Start pruning the garden of your life TODAY! Don't get another step into this new year without carefully choosing the people that you need to be surrounded by and letting go of those you don't. My 17 year old and his buddies call them...haters. Don't want none. Won't be one.

So heres to 2010. Let's do it big. But, Let's do it right!