Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why Jesus?!

So every now and then, as my ministry grows, I am feeling compelled to share some of the amazing emails and communications I have with people who are in some way grappling with the whole concept of Jesus Christ and Christianity. Let's face it, if being 'saved' was easy wouldn't everyone be saved? Maybe. The reality is that being saved and living for Christ involves a deep desire and faith in God's word as true and God's way as best. When I seriously questioned that God's word was true and His way best, my research affirmed the truth and validity of the word of God and the undeniable fact that...Yes, HIS WAY IS BEST. But, alas, the desires of the flesh WAR against the desires of the SPIRIT. I was going to comment on celibacy today with everything going on with Brandon Davies and BYU but....I find the following worthy of sharing.

I have deleted the email dialogue which preceded my final reply here. A dialogue which began with my friend, Terri, wishing me a happy birthday, commenting on a scripture that closed my email and stating her belief in the Mayan 2012 prediction, and asking for Samuel L. Jacksons phone number. Which I do not have. And, please note, I do not believe that God would reveal anything to a culture of people who murdered innocent children by cutting their hearts out to sacrifice them to their bevy of false Gods. As Jesus said, "would I do anything unless I've already revealed it to my prophets?!" Mayans...prophets???? DOUBTFUL. Anyway...

The following is my reply to my friend Terri. After years of spiritual dialogue and gently nurturing and encouraging her search for meaning spiritually I think I kind of felt fed up...with humor anyway.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thurs, 3 Mar 2011 1:06
Subject: Re: Just To Be Different!
Oh Terri you are an original. But, I must tell you...when the reference to blind faith is made, I believe, it is actually to explain the ability to believe without seeing God. It is the ability to believe in what God has told you even though the circumstances around you, the world, society, events, tell you differently. As Hebrews 11 says 'Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.' You might actually continue in Hebrews 11 for an amazing record of those who 'blindly' followed after God and the promise of His Son. They were following, One God and One Son. You must know from reading the Bible that following after 'many gods' got them into a heap of doggie doo on many occasions. They were to put no other gods before Him. That is also Commandment number 1. Thank you Moses. Unfortunately, as God said in Isaiah 65:

'All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations'

Sadly, I understand your inability to accept that the only way to the Father is through the son, Jesus. It's tough because it brings up questions for all the quote unquote good people who don't believe Jesus is the only way. And even more questions for those who grew up in a remote village and never heard of Jesus. Yet it is what Jesus said. Perhaps what makes you doubt Jesus is that you cannot imagine any one person could say such a thing? Or that a loving God could be so harsh? Yet not only did He say it, he died for it...out of love for us. That's a long way to go on a hunch that what you're doing is right. From that same love I have to believe He has a way to deal with the circumstances above, so that all have an opportunity to get to Heaven, so to speak. I do believe that a God who loves us so much as to DIE for us MUST have a master plan for those truly good people not to be left out. I don't judge anyone. But we all get, and will get, a choice.

As for all those who choose not to believe that Jesus is the Savior that the Bible spoke of in 66 books through 44 men over thousands of years simply because they think the Bible is filled with lies, and doesn't include them, or that it's not relevant today (love that lie)...I have to say, good luck on judgement day when we all find out how God will deal with the non-believers and the sinners and the un-righteous who actually chose to live for the pleasures of their flesh rather than for the will of God.

His word tells the whole story. I have now studied it, picked it apart, and chosen to live in it for 18 plus years because I know that it is the truth. He is the way, the truth, and the light. And, sorry, my friend, but neither mohammed, budda, or anyone else can get you into heaven if in fact God's word which says, the only way to me is through the son, is accurate. And, I think we've established that I believe it is. ACCURATE. LOL

Again, This is not to say that God who loves us doesn't have a plan for people and for children who've never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are some great and plausible theories on this subject. And, in the last days many people may come to Him on their death bed who walk around now saying 'I am open to everything, or I do not accept that Jesus is the only way.' Again, I have to believe God knows more than I do about how He will judge the children He created, so I stay away from thinking I need to make someone accept what I believe or from judging them if they do not. God is much better equipped to answer the questions and I am certain that if one seeks after Him He would lead them into clarity for themselves...I knocked and He opened the door. I sought. I found. I asked. He answered. With all that said...

As it is said in Joshua 24 "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

So, I am going all the way with the one-way of the God that Joshua was speaking of, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose lives ALL foretold in word, witness, action, and symbolism of the coming of one Savior...Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh to die (in a way predicted 2 thousand years before crucifixion ever existed) for our sins, to save us. I say thank you Jesus!

My friend, like you, I've read it all and tried it all. I have even felt so abandoned and alone and under intense spiritual attack that I thought there was NO way there could be a God, anybody's God, who would allow the bad stuff I've lived through to happen to me or anyone in the world.
I tried Buddha, Hare Krishna, Kabbalah, New Age, Muslim, and every other way to get a real deep life in God and some help, and deliverance, and NOTHING else has POWER.

Try calling on Buddha to speak to you...Or does that red string on the wrist answer prayer, heal the sick, raise the dead? Don't think so! In fact I know it doesn't. Been there done that.

Did the 'confusion thing.'
Did the 'I live for me and God is me thing.'
Did the 'I am a Christian but pre-marital sex is OK if you're in love thing.'
Did the 'I'm spiritual so that's all that matters thing.'
Did the 'there are many ways to the same God thing.'
Did the 'I'm a good person so God just wants me to do me and be happy thing.'
Did the 'there cannot be 1 way to God because I cannot understand what God is thinking by sending a Savior who claims to be the only way thing.'
Did the 'it's ALL good thing.'
Did just about 'EVERYTHING'.

And, honey let me tell you with all the strength and conviction I can muster up in my soul...that the only 'THING' I did that ever worked was submit, surrender, bow down, and praise God though Jesus Christ His son and my Savior and wait for HIM to speak, lead, guide, help, save, deliver, set free, and BLESS.

When I did the 'Lord, I wanna follow you, live the way you say, follow every rule because I worship and adore you, know you're the truth beyond a doubt, thing,' I was given the answers to my questions, set free, and blessed abundantly. I don't boast, but if like Paul said I may boast in the Lord, I have what people covet their whole lives to have; spiritual clarity, ultimate peace, total provision. 'Life and life more abundantly' as Jesus said He came to provide.

I say all this to simply say, like that old gospel song, from some old folks who lived longer and stronger than we have at this point in our childish journey's...CAN'T NOBODY DO ME LIKE JESUS!

You do what you want! We can hook up and compare notes at the end. LOL

I love you regardless of whose right or wrong. But, I wouldn't bet against me if I were you.
Know that you've been warned, my UK sister.
Cynthia...aka, your resident hip girl on a journey of true spirituality!!!

"However, as it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"
1 Corinthians 2:9


  1. “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”

  2. Hi Urban Revolution
    You missed the point that I finally understand with my friend. I cannot really help because the issues are in your heart. Jesus promised in Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

    Put your heart in it and SEEK HIM. He will reveal Himself. I promise. He says...Be STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD!!!


LOVE to hear your feedback and/or questions! Gd bless your day!!!